Powerup capital review #18
Dear Powerup Capital,
First and foremost, I am really touched at your willingness to share your trade secrets with whoever you feel worthy and I want to thank you for having a desire to contribute to the growth of others.
I am a single mother and have been trading options for 4 years and forex for 2 because I got unemployed and in my country-Nigeria- single mothers are not considered good employment materials though my interest in trading dates back to my working years when it was ignited by an acquaintance I met on a business trip. Though options trading provided good returns at the beginning , my forex trading has been a continuous drain on my capital even eating into my options capital base until I am no longer able to trade even options. I have had to make appeals for loans to continue trading but both parities want to be convinced that I have a verified trading system before releasing cash and I have been working on one but the results are not totally profitable.
In addition, a while ago, because of the high unemployment rate in my country-I live in Nigeria- I undertook to train some of the more enterprising youths in my locality in forex trading as my own way of giving back to the society, but sadly it seems that instead of helping them, I have compounded their situations because most have lost their little hard to get money while trading and they come back to me lamenting and it breaks my heart to see their frustrations. I’ve been praying that I will be able to teach them how to trade profitably since most of them have no hope of getting employed soon. Thus, it has become a driving and definite major purpose in my life to be a most profitable trader and help those who are able to apply the winning rules to trading too.
I don’t know if you will approve of my sharing your trading strategies with others that why I’ve been upfront about this so you might be aware. I don’t charge fees for the instructions I give because that is my own give back to the community project but I want to give something worthwhile and I believe your course will help me to do so while at the same time putting food on the table for my son and I. I hope you won’t mind if I do.
Well those are my two major reason. I love trading because of the freedom and flexibility it gives to me and the unlimited profit potential present in it, however, the years have humbled me and made me aware that I need the help of someone with great expertise and being in a country that is not developmentally sound, there are no opportunities to contact succesful traders as none known are available.My only hope is through the internet but most of the courses and books that I’ve bought have not proved useful. So if you believe that I qualify I will really need your course to make life for myself and others more bearable.
Thank you once again, God bless and good luck to us all.
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