Tuesday, June 7, 2011

How to not lose money in stocks

If you're buying shares. Make sure you are buying value and not price.

After all, why should you buy a overpriced share?? It's suicide.

What? Pray and hope for a overpriced share to go higher?

Buy high and sell higher?? Good luck.

But what if.

Just what if, you found out that there were some wonderful companies that were going on sale?

What if their share price was valued lower than their market price? ;)

Wouldn't that be something?

Well, it made Warren Buffet what he is today....

It's one secret that most of us were not taught in school or even at home...or maybe this secret was out in the open after all but we missed it. Some chose to ignore it.


This is how the enterprise value of a company is calculated. Very interesting video really. Make sure you sit through the whole thing.

This is how this guy made it big in stock investing:

This is what he said about buying stocks that were falling in price. Kinda mind boggling really.

And yeah, about leverage, there's such a thing as good debt and bad debt.


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