Saturday, August 7, 2010

Powerup Capital Review #42

       People tend to blow the risks of margin accounts way out of proportion. Because of fear and insufficient knowledge, the margin risks seem bigger than they need to be, and many investors have either experienced or heard someone else's horror stories about getting a margin call. 

       I have heard many people talk about how much money they lost because they overbought a position, or tell sob stories about getting broker calls at the worst times. These stories made me scared too, until I realized that I was missing some important facts in assessing whether I was likely to have a similar experience.
  1. What experience or knowledge did that person have before they used margin?
  2. What were their investment objectives?
  3. What was their investment plan to achieve those objectives?
  4. What controls did they use to limit risk of loss?
       I think the important things to keep in mind are to use strict entry and exit criteria, use sound investment practices for getting into trades, and quickly cut losses short if a trade starts to go the wrong way! Also keep your investment capital intact so that you can take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves tomorrow- there will always be more opportunities! That is what's so magical about the forex market.

I could not thank Kishore enough for stressing the importance of money management in class.

Warmest regards,
Robert Niedermeyr
CPA (Aussie Class of 2007)

Friday, August 6, 2010

Powerup Capital Review #41

Powerup Capital is part of a self funded charity organization called Kind Gift that is registered under Singapore's Charities Act. 

 This organization helps disabled children and children from low income families with their educational needs. 

Powerup Capital was part of a free charity seminar that talked about how common folk could make money online. There was a lot of free tips and trading strategies given during this free seminar that was held on the following date and venue:

Date     : Saturday, 10 July 2010
Time     : 0900 hours to 1800 hours
Venue  : Sophia Cooke Ballroom (Level 2)               
                Fort Canning Lodge, YWCA
                6 Fort Canning Road
                Singapore 179494

This charity seminar was endorsed by Mr Zainul Abidin Rasheed who is the Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Singapore.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Powerup capital review #40

We would like to thank this kind gentleman for sharing his technique of channeling his business income into his trading account.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Powerup capital review #39

 Here is our latest case study:

We managed to catch 55 pips for the Non Farm Payroll Trade on Nov 6.
There are 2 ways where you can learn how to make money from the forex market. The first way is to incur an enormous monetary loss like most people do. The other smarter way is to get a proper education on how to make money from the forex market and avoid those expensive losses.
Join us for a FREE online seminar as we unravel the mysterious forex market and show you what are the techniques that we can use to trade in this volatile environment.
In this seminar, you will also learn how to:
1) Create a second income without having to quit your job.
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